
“Teaching in Styria” podcast Radioigel

In the current semester, PhSt and other partner institutions have organised a new internship programme called “Teaching in Styria”. This programme is a great chance for students to try teaching.

Two students from Ukraine shared their experiences with us.

The topics discussed were:

  • How did they hear about the programme?
  • How and why did the girls decide to participate?
  • Experiences during the school placement:
  • What did they learn as future teachers?
  • What did they learn about personal growth?
  • First impressions of Graz.
  • Adventures in Graz.
  • The language.
  • Some recommendations for future participants.

There is a hyperlink, where You can listen to podcast:


There are some photos from the podcast:

Official photo from Radio Igel; Photo is taken by Kolleritsch Wolfgang. On the picture there is Viktoriia Syrvatka.

Official photo from Radio Igel; Photo is taken by Kolleritsch Wolfgang. On the picture there is Viktoriia Bereska.

Official photo from Radio Igel; Photo is taken by Kolleritsch Wolfgang. On the picture there is Iryna Rozmaita.

Official photo from Radio Igel; Photo is taken by Kolleritsch Wolfgang. On the picture there are Viktoriia Bereska, Viktoriia Syrvatka, Andrianakis Philippe and Iryna Rozmaita.

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