
Report from my semester abroad, from Christina Quinesser

During my semester abroad, I had the privilege of studying at the Universitat de Barcelona. I was
able to choose from a range of course packages. Although my courses were all conducted in
English, they brought together both Erasmus students and local university students, creating a
diverse and enriching academic environment. The coursework primarily focused on didactics and
language acquisition, which significantly enhanced my understanding of how foreign languages
are learned and taught. This experience proved invaluable, especially as it directly aligned with
my future career aspirations of becoming a teacher of German as a second language.
In addition to my coursework, I also completed an internship at a local school in Barcelona. For
three weeks, I spent full days observing and participating in lessons at a Catalan school. This
hands-on experience allowed me to witness first-hand the intricacies of the local education
system while immersing myself in the daily life of the school. I also had the unique challenge of
navigating the Catalan language, which was used almost exclusively in the classroom except for
lessons in English and French. Since my proficiency in Catalan was limited, I often found myself
struggling to understand the instructions and expectations of the teachers. This language barrier
led to moments of frustration, where I nervously asked students to help me understand what
needed to be done. However, these challenges turned into valuable learning experiences,
teaching me empathy for students who are new to a language and a foreign culture, a perspective
that will be incredibly useful in my future teaching career. Despite the language difficulties, the
school welcomed me with open arms. I felt a strong sense of belonging and quickly formed close
bonds with both the students and my colleagues. The school’s warm and familial atmosphere
helped bridge the language gap, making me feel comfortable and supported throughout my

Photos are taken by Christina

Beyond my academic and professional experiences, living in Barcelona was, without a doubt, one
of the best decisions I have ever made. The city is vibrant and full of life, with endless opportunities
to explore, learn, and grow. From its stunning architecture and historic landmarks to its lively
streets filled with music and culture, Barcelona offers an immersive experience unlike any other.

The city celebrates life in a way that is infectious, with people socializing in public spaces, eating
together at outdoor cafés, and enjoying the sun. One of the aspects I appreciated most about
Barcelona was its inclusivity and openness. While there are challenges in adapting to a new
culture, I found that as long as I showed genuine interest in the local customs and language, the
people were more than willing to welcome me into their world. Additionally, Barcelona offers
numerous activities and events for Erasmus students, which helped me connect with people from
all over the world. Whether it was through organized trips or casual meet-ups, I met so many
different people. Financially, Barcelona is also very accessible for students. One negative aspect
is that the accommodations are pricey. Despite that the city offers a lot of budget-friendly ways to
enjoy its rich history, art, night life and cuisine, from free museum days to exploring the beautiful
parks and beaches.

Photos are taken by Christina

Reflecting on my time in Barcelona, I can confidently say that this experience has changed me in
profound ways, both personally and professionally. Living in a foreign country, particularly one
with such a distinct language and culture, pushed me far outside of my comfort zone. It forced me
to become more independent, adaptable, and confident. I returned to Austria not just as a
student, but as someone who had grown immensely. The Spanish and Catalan cultures,
especially their warmth, openness, and expressive nature, resonated deeply with me. I found
myself becoming more outgoing and spontaneous, embracing life with a new sense of
enthusiasm. Professionally, the knowledge and experiences I gained from my time in Barcelona
will undoubtedly shape my future career as a teacher. The practical insights I gained from
observing language teaching in a Catalan school, coupled with my own challenges in learning
Catalan, gave me a new level of empathy and understanding for students who are learning a new
language. These lessons will be invaluable in my future work, particularly when teaching students
who, like me, may feel like outsiders at first.

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