Erasmus InComics: “Birthday Party”
The story is about my birthday. During my Erasmus, I wanted to have a birthday party. So I organised something at my flat, but something went wrong. Download the comic as PDF.
The story is about my birthday. During my Erasmus, I wanted to have a birthday party. So I organised something at my flat, but something went wrong. Download the comic as PDF.
Dear colleague and partner Greetings from the Business Department at VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Kortrijk, Belgium! Each semester we generally have an exchange student as an intern at our Global Engagement Office. Although the next academic year is still a while away, we want to send out a first call to possible internship […]
Highlights: Internationale Mobilität & Kooperation: Erasmus+ Hochschulbildung | Europäischer Hochschulraum: Aktuelle Aufrufe und Einreichfristen: Veranstaltungen: Weitere Informationen und Links Highlights Österreich unterstützt den ukrainischen Hochschulsektor Der OeAD und das ukrainische National Erasmus+ Office luden am 16. April mehr als 40 Rektorinnen und Rektoren sowie Führungskräfte österreichischer und ukrainischer Hochschulen an einen Tisch. Sie trafen sich am 16. […]
Dear Partners, The University of Maribor is pleased to invite your students to our Summer University 2024. We are organising several different Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) for students in various academic fields. The details about the summer university programmes are available on our website. Each module includes lectures, workshops, local visits and an attractive social programme. All modules are […]
This comic is about my trip from Livigno, Italy back to Graz. This trip, however, was not as smooth as I would have thought and there were many bothersome events on the way back. Download the comic as PDF.
Join the International Conference “STE*M: STEM for All.” This significant event is scheduled to be held on September 12-13, 2024, at the prestigious University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. The primary aim of this conference is to provide a global and interdisciplinary platform for educators, researchers, and enthusiasts from various parts of the world to […]
With this comic, I want to share with everyone my own experience during my Erasmus+ stay in Graz. I also pretend to remind that everybody must build their own experience and should avoid comparing it with others. That is, we have to do whatever we feel like in this short time of period we are […]
My comic is about my stay in Graz… although as an Erasmus student, staying in Graz seems more unusual than travelling around Europe. Every weekend I think about visiting places recommended by professors and locals, hiking in the mountains surrounding the city, but absolutely every weekend I am busy travelling: Prague, Budapest, Berlin, Vienna… Who […]
Aktueller Podcast Österreichischer Entwicklungsforschungspreis: Umfassend umdenken, grundlegend einlenken Mit dem seit 2013 alle zwei Jahre verliehenen Österreichischen Preis für Entwicklungsforschung würdigt das BMBWF in Kooperation mit Österreichs Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung etablierte und junge Forscherinnen und Forscher für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklungsforschung. In dieser Radio- und Podcastreihe sprechen wir mit den Preisträger/innen. Das […]
Aktuelles aus demEuropäischen Hochschul-Raum Allgemeines Newsletter-Versand Aufgrund mehrfacher Nachfragen darf auf die EHR-update Anmeldeseite für denNewsletterversand verwiesen werden. Dieser Link ist auch im Anhang gelistet. Informelle Tagung des Rates auf Ministerinnen- und Ministerebene „Bildung“, 29. Februar – 1. März 2024 Am 29. Februar und 1. März 2024 fand die informelle Tagung der für Hochschulbildungzuständigen Ministerinnen […]