
OeAD / News for scholars & alumni 3/2024

Events for scholars

News from scholars

News from alumni

News from APPEAR

News from OeAD and OeAD student housing


Other information

Events for scholars

Alumni Talk with Esther M. Mukooza, Uganda

The event on 26 September 2024 at OeAD in Vienna featured Esther Mukooza, a former APPEAR scholar and medical anthropologist. Esther shared her academic journey and research, particularly her work on Nodding Syndrome in Uganda. She emphasized the role of medical anthropology in addressing health challenges. Esther also discussed her humanitarian work with Doctors Without Borders and gave advice to future scholars. The event concluded with a Q&A session and a networking opportunity with Ugandan food and drinks.

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Excursion to Klosterneuburg with scholars

On 21 August 2024, around 50 OeAD scholarship holders joined a one-day excursion to Klosterneuburg. The day began with a visit to the Institute of Science and Technology Austria where participants learned about the institute’s interdisciplinary research and internship opportunities. A guided tour of the campus followed, highlighting ISTA’s history. In the afternoon, the group visited Klosterneuburg Abbey, exploring its Gothic choir, Baroque church and museum. This video gives you an impression of this interesting excursion.

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Excursion to Hallstatt

To round off the semester, the OeAD regional office in Linz organised an excursion to Hallstatt with OeAD scholarship holders at the beginning of July. The group travelled there by train and boat, followed by lunch high above Lake Hallstatt, where they enjoyed breathtaking views of the Salzkammergut mountains from the Skywalk. The scholarship holders were delighted with this wonderful experience, which was a highlight of their study abroad programme.

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Empowering Ernst Mach Ukraine Scholars

On 19 and 20 September, around 50 Ernst Mach Ukraine scholars participated in a workshop on mental health, stress management and creative self-awareness, they learned techniques for dealing with daily pressures and developing long-term resilience. The meeting offered the students a much-needed break from their stressful everyday lives, as well as valuable inspiration to tackle the challenges of the upcoming semester with renewed strength.

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News from scholars 

Ernst Mach-Ukraine scholar works on his childhood dream

Despite the challenges of his visual impairment, Ivan Solovei is successfully studying at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Thanks to the university’s BeAble programme, students with special needs receive support to ensure an equal learning process. After graduation, he plans to set up his own company. He hopes that people with disabilities will continue to benefit from these programmes in the future, so that they have the same educational opportunities and rights as other students.

Further information

Summer term in Salzburg: “The most incredible experience of my life

Rachel Ziebart from Canada spent her exchange semester at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg. She is studying tourism and has used her time in Austria to gain a better understanding of different cultures and experience working in a multicultural environment. She grasped every opportunity to explore the alps, and even attended a yodelling workshop. She also gave line dance workshops to other students, which helped her to gain confidence and realize her capabilities.   

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Completion of a Master’s degree in Autonomus Systems and Robotics

Mohamed El Bahnasawi from Egypt completed his Master’s degree in Autonomous Systems and Robotics at the University of Klagenfurt (AAU) with the AAU Technology Scholarship. He has now started his PhD within the EU project BatCAT and works part-time as a lecturer. The Technology Scholarship has helped him to find his career path in finding sustainable technologies. Additionally, his time in Austria has helped him establish a network and opened up opportunities for his academic ambitions.

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Scholarship with an impact: displaced student aims for a doctorate

Yuliia Nazarenko fled from Ukraine to Austria two years ago. Here, with the help of the Ernst Mach – Ukraine and the MORE programme at the JKU Linz, she first completed her bachelor’s thesis and then began a master’s degree in molecular biology. Through the MORE initiative, she met a fellow refugee student from Syria, which motivated her to realise that life goes on and that you have your own future in your own hands. She is already planning to continue her research as part of a PhD programme.

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News from alumni

Leah Mwaisango Kalemela: Advocating child welfare research in Tanzania

Leah Mwaisango Kalemela, a lecturer at Tanzania’s Institute of Social Work, is widely recognized for her contributions to child welfare and social work. Before completing her PhD, she worked with vulnerable children in remand homes, juvenile courts, and street environments. Her research focuses on child welfare, early childhood development, and the impact of social change on children’s lives. She completed her PhD at the University of Vienna in 2024, exploring the “Life Experiences of Children Living in Child-headed Households in Tanzania”.
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Tekeba Nega: Bridging Cultures and Improving Nutrition in Ethiopia

Tekeba Nega has more than 30 years of professional experience in the food and nutrition sector in Ethiopia. He was working as researcher, director and consultant in various national and international organisations. He has also coordinated several projects and stresses that engaging with different socio-ecological and multilingual societies in Ethiopia has given him greater opportunities to understand their culture and traditions.Tekeba completed his PhD at BOKU University in 2012.

Further information

Toskë Kryeziu: Successful exchange between Austria and Kosovo

Pharmacist Toskë Kryeziu completed two stays at the University of Graz with CEEPUS in 2019 and 2022 to conduct research into cancer therapies. He has since successfully defended his doctorate and taken up a post-doctoral position at the University of Prishtina, where he is researching therapeutic methods using nanotechnology. As a teaching assistant at the University of Prishtina, he now encourages his students to endeavour research stays in Austria in order to benefit professionally and successfully establish contacts.
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Dr. Madhu Acharya’s Journey in Sustainable Disaster Mitigation

After earning his PhD at BOKU Vienna in 2007, Madhu Acharya returned to Nepal, spearheading innovative projects in sustainable disaster mitigation. Through the Cooperation Development Research program, he explores green engineering solutions, such as eco-friendly slope and riverbank protection systems, to combat natural disasters. Dr. Acharya bridges research and practice, contributing to global sustainable development while nurturing the next generation of geotechnical engineers in Nepal.

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News from APPEAR

Former scholar and APPEAR project partner advocates citizen science

Tigran Keryan, a former scholar and current team member of the APPEAR project EcoServ, pesented at the 5th European Citizen Science Association conference in Vienna and addressed challenges like climate change and lack of expertise in Armenian aquatic systems. He emphasized how citizen science, involving local communities and schools, can contribute to sustainable ecosystem management. The conference was particularly useful for exchanging ideas to develop a citizen science approach for the EcoServ project in Armenia.
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Invitation to the next Ugandan-Austrian University Cooperation Meeting, Kampala

The Ugandan-Austrian University Cooperation Information and Networking Meeting will take place on 16 January 2025  at Makerere University. In the morning session we will inform about Ugandan-Austrian University Cooperation and discuss how to maintain connections, expand partnerships and realize new projects. The aim of the afternoon programme is to share experiences and network among APPEAR / Africa-UniNet project partners as well as current and former scholarship holders. We will conclude the event with a joint dinner.
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Workshop “Experience exange: Lessons-learned from higher education cooperation”

The workshop on 10 September 2024 at BOKU University aimed to create a space for dialogue on international research projects. Elke Stinnig from OeAD presented insights from the APPEAR programme. Building on this, participants engaged in discussions around factors influencing both the process and impact of projects, addressing a range of issues that can complicate their implementation. In the concluding session participants discussed successful strategies and creative solutions.
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Former scholar and APPEAR partner actively involved in curriculum review

Sayeh Agegnehu is a former scholarship holder and now national coordinator for the APPEAR project “Implementation of Academic Geomatics Education in Ethiopia for Supporting Sustainable Development” Major achievements in the first year, despite the challenges of an armed conflict in the Amhara region, include the development and approval of a new MSc Geomatics curriculum for Debre Markos University and the initiation of PhD projects for Ethiopian students funded by APPEAR scholarships.

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News from OeAD and OeAD student housing

OeAD: More that 60 years of experience

As an agency of the Republic of Austria the OeAD contributes to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. OeAD staff work in Austria, Europe and internationally in priority countries. We provide advice, support, and foster connections between individuals and institutions in education, science, and research.
By managing programmes like Erasmus+ or regional university networks such as ASEA-UNINET, EurasiaPacific Uninet, and Africa-UniNet, the OeAD facilitates the internationalisation of education in Austria.

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Vienna Summer Universities 2024 closed with success! – Save the date for 2025

This year’s interdisciplinary summer programs “Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)” and “Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS)” welcomed 110 people from 42 nations in Vienna! Students and professionals from various backgrounds expanded their knowledge on sustainable architecture and building technologies, and discovered alternative approaches to our current economic system. GBS and AEMS will be back from 14 July to 2 August 2025.

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Calls on grants.at

CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies)
Application deadline: 31 October 2024

Ernst Mach Grant – worldwide
Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian University of Applied Sciences
Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET
Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant
Application deadline: 1 February 2025

Richard Plaschka Fellowship
For researchers in the historical sciences who are primarily occupied with Austrian history
Application deadline: 1 March 2025 

Franz Werfel Fellowship
For young university teachers of German language and Austrian literature
Application deadline: 1 March 2025

Call opening S&T cooperation (WTZ)

The following calls for Scientific & Technological Cooperation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische-Zusammenarbeit) are open:
Austria – Ukraine
Application deadline: 25 October 2024
Austria – India
Application deadline: 31 October 2024
Austria – Bulgaria
Application deadline: 10 January 2025

Multilateral Call Danube Region, coming soon
Application deadline: 17 January 2025

Austria – China: Autumn 2024

The aim of these calls is to stimulate bilateral research cooperation between Austria and its cooperating countries by funding researchers’ mobility. New reimbursement regulations apply for these calls. See FAQs.

Other information

Supporting at-risk researchers with fellowships in Europe” project (SAFE)

The European Commission has introduced a new initiative to support researchers at risk: the “Supporting at-risk researchers with fellowships in Europe” (SAFE) project. With a budget of EUR 12 million, this three-year project will grant two-year fellowships to 60 international researchers who face risks in their home countries, helping them continue their academic work in safe environments across the EU. Eligible applicants include doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with or without refugee status. Host institutions in the EU will handle the application process, which opens on 18 November 2024, with fellowships set to begin in spring 2025. 

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Showcasing successful refugee integration at Austrian HEIs

The recent blog post on the EAIE (European Association for International Education) website, titled “Fostering Inclusion: Showcasing Successful Refugee Integration in Austria’s Higher Education Landscape”, highlights the successful strategies for integrating refugees into Austrian higher education. Despite numerous initiatives from various stakeholders, substantial challenges remain. The authors emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach that involves all aspects of higher education institutions and broader societal engagement to truly enhance refugee integration in higher education and society. 

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