Have you been on an Erasmus and you would like to write a report about your stay? Please follow the next steps.
The report should have:
- Title
- Text in Word
- Photo as a single file (920px x 520px, 72 dpi, Jpeg / PNG, Creative Commons or other licenses which allow us to publish it)
- One hyperlink (optional)
- PDF-File (optional)
The report should include information about the following topics:
- The university, school or company
- School practice or working practice
- Accommodation
- The city
The report should have:
- Evaluation of the stay abroad in academic / cultural / social terms
- Have you gained learning or working experiences that you would not have gained without a stay abroad?
- Do you think that the stay abroad will be beneficial for your future work (as a teacher)?
- Has this stay abroad influenced or changed your personality?
If you are interested, please e-mail us the report and attach a signed declaration of consent!
Send your report and the signed declaration of consent to: Heiko Haas-Vogl (heiko.haas-vogl@phst.at) and CC to Benjamin Wörz (benjamin.woerz@phst.at) and Tamara Riebenbauer (tamara.riebenbauer@phst.at).
Contact: Benjamin Wörz (benjamin.woerz@phst.at)