
Erasmus+ Mobility Report from Sauer Stefanie, “My semester abroad in the “sun-city”of Sweden”, Karlstad, Sweden

My semester abroad is coming to an end, and I can look back on exciting six months. But what
has changed for me during this time and what experiences and memories have I made?
It all started in January 2024 at -23 degrees when I arrived in Karlstad, Sweden. Karlstad is a
small but beautiful city in the province of Värmland, Sweden. The city is also known as the “Suncity”. It is located directly on Sweden’s largest lake, Lake Vänern. This means you can enjoy the
Swedish countryside in Karlstad as well as travelling into the city and visiting a coffee house.
Because don’t forget, you must have a “fika” once a day. This means that you should take your
time and have a relaxed coffee and perhaps a kanelbulle (cinnamon bun). I highly recommend
both by the way. But that’s not the only thing that is special about Sweden, it’s also their
helpfulness and openness. I experienced this already on my very first day when some Swedes
helped me with my luggage.
My accommodation was on campus, close to Karlstad University. I was very happy with my
room. It had two floors and was very cosily furnished. So, it wasn’t difficult for me to settle in,
and I quickly felt at home here. I shared the kitchen with seven other exchange students. Of
course, it’s not always easy, but our shared floor dinners are still unforgettable.
Not only through the international exchange on my floor, but also at university, I was able to learn
a lot about different cultures around the world. I also attended relevant courses at the university
and had yet another opportunity to broaden my cultural horizons.
Overall, the university was only a 12-minute walk from the campus, so every day could be
started with a short walk. In general, I was very happy with my choice of courses and the
professors were very competent, helpful and open to all kinds of questions. Due to the different
assignments during my stay abroad, I was able to work with many people from different
backgrounds and cultures. These exchanges were always very interesting, and I would definitely
not have wanted to miss them. I was able to expand my knowledge in many areas and gained
new insights into certain issues. I was also able to take some things with me as a future teacher
and can now apply them in the future. One of the many things, for example, is how best to
communicate with people from different cultures. Unfortunately, I couldn’t gain any insights into
a primary school here, so I will make up for my internship in Germany on my way home.
Nevertheless, I have gained a good overview of the Swedish school system by experiencing
university life.
However, I have not only been able to acquire new knowledge, but I have also developed and
changed as a person. Studying here in Sweden requires a great deal of independence and after
living alone for the first time, I am convinced that I have become very self-reliant during this time.
I’ve often had to leave my comfort zone and “jump over my own shadow”, so that means I
sometimes had to take a risk. This also taught me a lot about myself!
But this semester abroad gave me so much more. Namely new friends, new experiences and
impressions that I will remember for the rest of my life. I am infinitely grateful for this time and
can only recommend a semester abroad to anyone!

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