
Erasmus+ Mobility Report from Sabrina Gappmayr, Karlstad, Sweden

My semester at Karlstad University has been an enriching and transformative experience, both academically and culturally. The university’s commitment to innovative teaching practices has introduced me to new methodologies that prioritize student engagement and practical learning. The faculty members were not only knowledgeable but also incredibly supportive, fostering a great learning environment.

Culturally, Karlstad offered a unique blend of Scandinavian charm and modernity. The city’s picturesque landscapes, coupled with its rich history, provided countless opportunities for exploration. Even though it’s a small city, there are a lot of things to do especially enjoying the nature and going for Fika are things that can’t be missed. Fika is a concept in Swedish culture with the basic meaning “to have coffee”, often along with eating something sweet like the traditional Kanelbullar (cinnamon bun). And believe me, I ate more than enough Kanelbullar – I think I even ate more that some Sweds do in their lifetime 🙂

The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.

I also believe that my stay in Karlstad will be highly beneficial for my future career as a teacher. The skills and insights I have gained here—especially in case of cross-cultural communication—will enhance my professional repertoire. Being able to draw on these experiences will undoubtedly improve my effectiveness as an educator and my ability to create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do my internship in Sweden but I had the chance to get an insight to the German school system on my way home.

This stay abroad has significantly influenced my personality. Living independently in a foreign country has bolstered my self-confidence and problem-solving abilities. Navigating a new culture has made me more adaptable and open-minded. These personal developments are not only beneficial for my professional life but also enrich my overall perspective on life. Also dealing with homesickness and being alone while having tons of time on your hands gave me the chance to get creative and start a new hobby.

Overall, my semester in Karlstad has been a profoundly positive experience. Because of the organization of the University, I was able to travel a lot during the semester which gave me incredible insights of Sweden’s stunning landscapes, incredible people, and chilled culture. Because I was there during the summer semester, I got to experience a Swedish winter with up to -20° as well as the Swedish summer with its long days. I got to know so many loving and incredible people during my stay and floor dinners were filled with so many laughs I will never forget. Even though,  it takes some time to get used to sharing a kitchen with 8 other people, the accommodation was a great opportunity to get to know other students from all over the world and to hear from different lifestyles and cultures. I didn’t want to miss the time in Sweden especially because of its special charm, chilled lifestyle and all the experiences I gained.

The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.
The photo is taken by Sabrina.

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