
ERASMUS Semester in Milano, report from Michaela Fliesser

The picture is taken by Michaela

My university in Milan was Bicocca. The University of Milano-Bicocca (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) is a modern university located in the northern part of Milan. It is well-known for its strong emphasis on research and offers a wide range of programs in various disciplines, including educaDon, science, economics, and social sciences. During my Erasmus semester, I was enrolled in the Faculty of EducaDon, which provided me with a unique opportunity to learn about innovaDve teaching methods and approaches. The academic experience at the University of Milano-Bicocca was both challenging and rewarding. The university places a strong emphasis on interacDve learning, and my courses were designed to promote acDveparDcipaDon and criDcal thinking.

I stayed in a shared apartment with three other internaDonal students in a vibrant neighborhood
near the university. Living in a shared apartment provided a unique cultural exchange experience and
taught me valuable life skills. Living with roommates from different countries enriched my
understanding of various cultures and perspecDves. We oMen shared meals and discussed our unique
tradiDons and experiences, which helped me develop a broader worldview. Sharing an apartment
required effecDve communicaDon, teamwork, and responsibility. We had to manage household
chores, navigate cultural differences, and resolve conflicts, which improved my interpersonal skills.
The apartment was conveniently located near public transportaDon, supermarkets, and cafes, making
it easy to access the university and explore the city.

Milan is a bustling metropolis known for its rich history, vibrant fashion scene, and diverse cultural
offerings. Living in Milan was an exciDng experience that provided numerous opportuniDes for
cultural immersion and exploraDon. Milan is home to world-famous landmarks such as the Duomo, La
Scala opera house, and the Sforza Castle. VisiDng these sites allowed me to appreciate Italy’s rich
cultural and historical heritage. Living in Milan offered daily opportuniDes to pracDce and improve my
Italian language skills. Engaging with locals, whether in cafes, markets, or university seSngs, helped
me become more confident in speaking Italian. Milan has a vibrant social scene with numerous
events, from art exhibiDons and concerts to street markets and local fesDvals. These acDviDes
provided great opportuniDes to meet new people, build friendships, and immerse myself in the local

Academically, the Erasmus semester at the University of Milano-Bicocca was a highly enriching
experience. Culturally, the stay in Milan was profoundly enriching. Immersing myself in Italian culture,
language, and daily life helped me gain a deeper appreciaDon for cultural diversity. The experience
also enhanced my cultural sensiDvity and awareness, which are crucial for any educator working in a
mulDcultural environment. The stay abroad will be highly beneficial for my future work as a teacher.
The experience broadened my pedagogical skills and deepened my understanding of global educaDon
pracDces. I am now beVer equipped to incorporate diverse perspecDves into my teaching and create
inclusive classroom environments that cater to students from various cultural backgrounds.

In conclusion, my Erasmus semester at the University of Milano-Bicocca was an enriching experience
that offered substanDal academic, cultural, and social benefits. The exposure to new teaching
methodologies, the opportunity to engage in meaningful cultural exchange, and the chance to build a
diverse network have all contributed to my growth as an educator and individual. This experience has
undoubtedly enhanced my teaching skills and broadened my worldview, making it an invaluable
component of my professional and personal development.

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